We are proud to support @glioblastomaakagbm podcast by @glioblastomaresearch!

Listen again to the episode “Power and Precision with Plus Therapeutics”: https://spoti.fi/3W4O5Dl

In their latest episode, they are joined by Holly Gainsboro, a grief specialist and founder of Golden Heart Grief Support and Education. Holly shares her profound journey of loss and transformation following her late husband’s diagnosis with glioblastoma. Through her personal experiences and extensive training, Holly has developed unique insights into navigating grief, particularly in the context of glioblastoma-related loss.
Listen to their latest episode here: https://bit.ly/3RO2XED

#glioblastoma #clinicaltrials #glioma #cancer #braincancer #braincancerawareness #braintumorawareness #cancerresearch #glioblastomamultiforme #neuroscience #braintumor #patients #caregivers